Apps whose base functions are "collection" and "matching" output data files. The data file layout depends on the number of items in the app settings, input settings, and data file settings.

Data file layout

The data file layout has the following format:
(terminal ID), input data 1, (barcode type 1),..., input data N, (barcode type N), (matching result), input date, input time

*() is a column added according to specific conditions.

Terminal ID
This is a terminal ID that can be set on OPH-5000i. Columns added according to options in data file settings.
Input data
This is the data you entered. The number of digits is the number of input digits specified in the app settings.
When the character type in the app settings is "All" or "Number", it is left justified and the missing digits are padded with spaces.
When the character type in the app settings is "Numeric", it is right justified and the missing digits are padded with 0.
Barcode type
This column is added when the input method in the app settings is "Numeric keypad/scan" or "scan only". The number of digits is 12.
Matching result
This column is added when the base function of app settings is "matching". The number of digits is 2.
Input date
Date at the time of input. The format is YYYY/MM/DD (YYYY: Year, MM: Month, DD: Day). The number of digits is 12.
Input time
The time at the time of input. The format is hh:mm:ss (hh: hours mm: minutes ss: seconds). The number of digits is 8.
The delimiter is a comma (,) or a tab. Specify in the file format of data file settings.

Example data file for "Collection"

Product code, barcode type, quantity, input date, input time
2023456789012,INSTOR-13   ,0002,2022/02/17,23:47:02
20234567     ,INSTOR-8    ,0017,2022/02/28,08:41:00
2023456789012,INSTOR-13   ,0003,2022/02/28,19:26:33

Example data file for "matching"

Code 1, barcode type, code 2, barcode type, matching result, input date, input time
0123456789,CODE-39      ,0123456789,CODE-39     ,OK,2022/02/17,23:30:49
1111111111,CODE-39      ,2222222222,CODE-39     ,NG,2022/02/28,07:24:46
012345    ,CODE-39     ,012345    ,CODE-39     ,OK,2022/02/28,20:00:48

Default data file layout

The default data file layout for the standard app is as follows.

  • Incoming app file
    The first record is the title record, and the actual data is from the second record onwards.
    Product code , Barcode type , Quantity , Input date , Input time CR LF
    X(13) , X(12) , 9(4) , YYYY/MM/DD , HH:MM:SS CR LF
  • Shipping app file
    The first record is the title record, and the actual data is from the second record onwards.
    Customer code , Barcode type , Product code , Quantity , Input date , Input time CR LF
    X(8) , X(12) , X(13) , 9(4) , YYYY/MM/DD , HH:MM:SS CR LF
  • Inventory app file
    The first record will be the title record, and the actual data will be from the second record onwards.
    Shelf , Barcode type , Product code , Barcode type , Quantity , Input date , Input time CR LF
    X(9) , X(12) , X(13) , X(12) , 9(4) , YYYY/MM/DD , HH:MM:SS CR LF
  • Matching app file
    The first record will be the title record, and the actual data will be from the second record onward.
    Result: “OK”/“NG”
    Code 1 , Barcode type , Code 2 , Barcode type , Result , Input date , Input time CR LF
    X(250) , X(12) , X(250) , X(12) , X(2) , YYYY/MM/DD , HH:MM:SS CR LF

Data file settings

The following items can be changed in the data file settings.

Data file settings for Standard app editor

Standard app editor ⇨ app screen ⇨ Data file settings...

File name:
Specify the file name to save the data.
File format:
Specify the file format (CSV/TSV) to save the data.
Title code:
Specify whether to output a title line indicating the meaning of the column in the first line of the file.
Terminal ID:
Add the terminal ID to the first column of the data file.
In addition, when sending an FTP file, a device ID is added to the sent file name.
Add date and time to FTP sending file name:
Adds the date and time to the destination file name. This setting applies only to FTP file transmission.
Delete files after FTP sending:
Delete files sent via FTP. This setting applies only to FTP file transmission.
Do not output barcode type:
Specify the output of the barcode type of the data file.
Make variable length:
If checked, the data file will be output in variable length. If variable length is specified, all fields will be enclosed in double quotation marks. If double quotation marks are included in the data, they will be escaped with double quotation marks.
Exclude date and time separator (/:): (System ES12.0 and later)
If checked, date and time separator characters will not be output. (YYYYMMDD,hhmmss).

Data file layout settings

Set the data file layout order.

Data file settings for Standard app editor

Standard app editor ⇨ app screen ⇨ Data file settings... ⇨ Data file layout settings...

Prefix/Suffix Settings (System ES12.0 or later)

Set the prefix/suffix for the input data column.
The prefix is ​​added to the beginning of the column of the data specified when outputting data, and the suffix is ​​added to the end. Maximum 8 characters.

Prefix/Suffix Settings for Standard Application Editor

Standard Application Editor ⇨ Business Screen ⇨ Data File Settings... ⇨ Prefix/Suffix Settings

Last updated: 2025/01/23