We have released a new version (System 5.0) of the system software.
Release history


  • In MULTIPLE mode of ReadBarcodeEx / ReadBarcode, when reading a barcode of length outside the range, the problem that the reading operation does not continue has been fixed.
  • Fixed to change the scan mode to SINGLE according to Decoder when U2 initialization is executed in System Setting when MULTIPLE is set.
  • Enhanced LED control.
  • Added OCR activation menu to system menu. (The currently adopted Decoder FW does not support OCR activation.)
  • When upgrading the OS, the Bluetooth settings are not reset.
  • Added MFi communication library to the native API library and added the following APIs.

Version of each component of the system software

Built-in App:TH22J01

Update procedure

You can update the system software of your device by following the steps below.
  1. Download the new version of the zip file to your PC from the following link.
  2. Unzip the zip file on your PC and you will get the following files:
  3. Start USB file transfer on the device and copy E005000.PAC to the FlashDisk of the device.
  4. Start Installation files on the device, select the copied PAC file, and install it.
  5. To make your application program compatible with the new version of the system software, copy the following files into your application's project and build the application.


    • For existing applications that do not use the functions added in the new version of the system software, you do not need to copy these files into your project and rebuild it.
    • When you install and run an application that uses a function added in the new version of the system software on a device of an older version of the system, the OS displays an error message similar to the following when the application calls the function. If you press the BS key at that time, the device will reboot.
        Nr=xxx at xxxxxxxx

Last updated: 2021/11/18