The XML library provides the following functions.


Name Description
XML_AddChildNode Adds a child node to the specified node.
XML_CreateXmlObject Parses an XML document and transforms it into an XML object.
XML_DeleteAttributes Deletes attributes of the specified node.
XML_DeleteNode Deletes the specified node.
XML_DumpNode Dumps the contents of the node into log messages.
XML_DumpXmlObject Dumps the contents of the entire XML object into log messages.
XML_FindAttribute Search for a node attribute by name.
XML_FindChildNodeByPath Search for a node by specifying a parent node and a relative path.
XML_FindNodeByPath Search for a node by specifying a full path.
XML_GetAttribute Gets attributes of the node.
XML_GetChildNodeValueByPath Gets the value of a node specified by a parent node and a relative path.
XML_GetNodeValue Gets the value of the specified node.
XML_GetNodeValueByPath Gets the value of a node specified by a full path.
XML_GetRootNode Get the root node.
XML_GetRootNodeName Gets the name of the root node.
XML_LOCAL_TO_UTF8_STRING Declare the type of callback function that converts a local code string to a UTF-8 string.
XML_NextAttribute Gets the next attribute.
XML_NextNode Gets the next node (sibling node).
XML_ParentNode Gets the parent node.
XML_ReleaseXmlObject Release the XML object.
XML_SaveAsXmlFile Converts the contents of the specified XML object to a UTF-8 XML document and saves it to a file.
XML_SaveAsXmlMemory Converts the contents of the specified XML object to a UTF-8 XML document and outputs it to memory.
XML_SetAttribute Sets an attribute for the specified node.
XML_SetChildNodeValueByPath Sets the value of the node specified by the parent node and the relative path.
XML_SetNodeValue Sets the value of the specified node.
XML_SetNodeValueByPath Sets the value of a node specified by a full path
XML_UTF8_TO_LOCAL_STRING Declare the type of callback function that converts a UTF-8 string to a local code string.

Last updated: 2021/10/21