The CP1252 library is a library for changing the character set of OPH-5000i English version to CP1252.
It also provides functions for converting between UTF-8 encoded strings and CP1252 strings.


The outline of the CP1252 library is as follows.

Change to CP1252

Use the following function to change the system character set to CP1252.
LoadCP1252 function

Return to default character set

Use the following function to return to the default character set.
UnloadCP1252 function

Convert UTF-8 and CP1252 to each other

Use the following function to convert a UTF-8 string to a CP1252 string.

Use the following function to convert a CP1252 string to a UTF-8 string.

You can use the following functions in the CodeConversion Library to change the output format of the conversion results for these functions.
CONV_OutputMode function

Use the following function to convert CP1252 character code to Unicode.

Use the following function to convert Unicode to CP1252 character code.

Last updated: 2022/04/08