These functions are for compatibility with older versions. Do not use unless there is a special reason.
Name | Description |
ConnectWlan | Request a connection from the access point. |
DisconnectWlan | Requests the access point to disconnect. |
DisableAp | Disable access point mode. |
EnableAp | Enable access point mode. |
GetConnectInfoWlan | Gets the connection information of the currently connected access point. |
InitBsp | Initializes the board support package(BSP) . |
InitializeWlan | Initialize the wireless LAN driver (callback function entry). |
SetPowerSaveModeWlan | Sets the power saving operation of wireless LAN. |
SetSockUdpSendResponse | Sets operating options for socket transmission. (UDP compatible). |
SetStaticIPWlan | Set a fixed IP. |
Last updated: 2020/11/23