This function is for compatibility with older versions. Do not use unless there is a special reason.
This function requests a connection from the access point.
char ConnectWlan(
char *pcSsid,
unsigned char u8SsidLen,
unsigned char u8SecType,
void *pvAuthInfo,
unsigned short u16Ch
- pcSsid
[in] Specify the SSID of the access point to connect to.
- u8SsidLen
[in] Specify the number of characters in the SSID.
- u8SecType
[in] Specify the security type.
- [in] Specify the key information.
The specification method differs depending on the security type.Value Description M2M_WIFI_SEC_OPEN Please specify NULL. M2M_WIFI_SEC_WPA_PSK Specifies the string address (char *) of the WPA password.
The maximum length of the string is 64 characters.
Please specify NULL at the end of the string.M2M_WIFI_SEC_WEP tstrM2mWifiWepParams specify the address of the structure.
The parameters of the structure are as follows.
- u8KeyIndx:
Please specify the index of Wepkey.
The range of values is 1 to 4.
- u8KeySz:
Please specify the size of Wepkey.
Specifies the size including the terminating character NULL.
The value is 11 or 27. - au8WepKey:
Please specify the Wepkey.
Specify NULL as the terminating character.
The string length is 10 or 26 characters.
- u8KeyIndx:
- u16Ch
- [in] Specify the channel number.
Value Description M2M_WIFI_CH_1 Channel 1 M2M_WIFI_CH_2 Channel 2 M2M_WIFI_CH_3 Channel 3 M2M_WIFI_CH_4 Channel 4 M2M_WIFI_CH_5 Channel 5 M2M_WIFI_CH_6 Channel 6 M2M_WIFI_CH_7 Channel 7 M2M_WIFI_CH_8 Channel 1 M2M_WIFI_CH_9 Channel 1 M2M_WIFI_CH_10 Channel 10 M2M_WIFI_CH_11 Channel 11 M2M_WIFI_CH_13 Channel 13 M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL All channels
Return value
The following values will be returned.Value | Description |
M2M_SUCCESS | Succeeded |
M2M_ERR_SLEEP_FAIL | Initialize with SysWLANInit function. |
Other than the above | Failed |
Request a connection from the access point.This function can be used when SYS_WLAN_POWER_MANUAL is set by the SysSetWLANPower function.
The connection result of the access point must be judged by the callback function specified by the InitializeWlan function.Requirements
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lib.hLibrary file:
Last updated: 2020/11/23