Follow the steps below to build your project.

  1. In the [Project Explorer] view of e² studio, click the project you want to build to activate it.

  2. Click [Build Project] on the [Project] menu to start the build.

  3. If the build is successful, you will see the message 'Build complete' in the Console view.

  4. The result of the build will be output to the Release folder of the project.

      [Project folder]
        │  ...
        │  ...
        │  │  app_version.lst
        │  │  libMYAPP1.a
        │  │  LinkerSubCommand.tmp
        │  │  main.lst
        │  │  makefile
        │  │  MYAPP1.bin
        │  │  MYAPP1.hex
        │  │  MYAPP1.lss
        │  │
        │  │  MYAPP1.mot
        │  │  MYAPP1.sym
        │  │  MYAPP1.x
        │  │  MYAPP1_Release_auto.gsi
        │  │
        │  │  rx_checksum.exe
        │  │
        │  │  
        │  └─src
        │          ...

    The contents of the output files in the Release folder are as follows:
    Project name.hex
    Represents the binary data of the build result. It is used when installing the user application.
    Project name.lss
    This is a text file that disassembles the built program. It is used to find the line of the original C source program from the program address.
    Project name.sym
    This file can be used to check the program size and memory usage of the program。
    Other files
    Files for e² studio.

Check program size and global memory usage

Open the [project name.sym ] file in the Release folder with an editor and check the program size and the amount of global memory used.

Example of .sym file

05000bc4 t .LC0
05000bd4 T __etext
050032e4 T _erom
08000000 D __data
08000000 D _buf
08002710 B __bss
08002710 D __edata
08002710 B __impure_ptr
08002714 B __ebss

Check program size

Search for "_erom ". The address output on the _erom line is the address next to the final address in the code area of the program.
The program size can be calculated using the following formula.

Program size = (Address of _erom) - (0x05000000)

The maximum program size for a user application is 512KB.

Check global memory usage

Search for "__ebss ". The address output on the __ebss line is the address next to the final address in the global memory of the program.
The size of global memory can be calculated using the following formula.

Size of global memory = (Address of __ebss) - (0x08000000)

The maximum size of global memory that can be used by a user application is 1MB.

Last updated: 2020/12/13