Communication library Overview

The Communication library is a library for opening Bluetooth and USB communication ports, acquiring communication status, and sending and receiving communication data.

The following is an overview of the Communication library.

Communication ports

Bluetooth communication (SPP / HID, Master / Slave) and USB communication (USB VCP / HID) are performed on the following ports.
  • COM3 : SPP/Master
  • COM4 : HID
  • COM5 : SPP/Slave
  • COM9 : USB VCP
  • COM10: USB HID
Pairing is performed using the SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) method of Bluetooth Ver 2.1.
When connecting to a device with Bluetooth Ver 2.0 or earlier, pairing is performed by PIN code authentication.

Communication settings

Bluetooth communication conditions can be set using the SetConfig function.
The setting becomes effective when the communication port is closed and then reopened.

  • Please note that you cannot use multiple ports at the same time.
  • Even if you change the settings of the open communication port, the changes will not be reflected immediately.
  • While the Bluetooth communication port is open, battery consumption will increase compared to normal times, so it is recommended to close it when not necessary.
  • In the API for communication, please do not open two COMs at the same time, but be sure to open a new COM after closing it.

Last updated: 2020/10/21