The AdvancedMenu library uses the following structures (typedef).

Structures (typedef)

Name Description
AL_ListItem Specify the display contents and parameters of each list item in the list display.
AL_ListItemData Represents a list item registered in the list resource.
AM_BarcodeBuffer Represents a buffer that stores the barcode data and the information about the read barcode data.
AM_ColorPalette Represents a palette that contains various color specifications.
AM_EditParam Represents a buffer that stores key input data and information for controlling key input.
AM_MenuItem Represents the display content and control method for each menu item displayed on the screen. An array of this AM_MenuItem structures defines the display for a menu screen.
AM_Option Represents options related to common items on the screen.
AM_ShiftCandidateTable Represents a table of candidate characters displayed in English mode.

Last updated: 2020/10/17